Tuesday 7 February 2012

Time is running out ! 
Have blog for today.
This word time reminded me of the song "Time after time" by Cyndi Lauper. 
Heard it recently in a movie about school friends who meet up accidentally after a long time. I loved the movie. It brought so many memories from school. This partly also explains the reason why I posted my previous blog. Friends are precious. At least for me they are. I constantly find myself missing and longing for them. 

I now wonder why we didn't move around like a fight-club-dada-type gang, fall into trouble or pick up fights with other gangs. But I guess we had fun in our own way in spite of not having such episodes. Mental-thanam in people is what I miss the most. Probably that is precisely what I look for in a person before I decide to be friends with them. Like the saying goes, It takes one to make friends with one :-) 

There is too much sense and logic put into every thing that is said, read or looked at. No room for bakwas and random rubbish anymore. There were times when I felt that I lived with an overload of such things, ironically all I seem to look for right now is precisely the same. I agree completely with one of my friends who quoted " The only privilege of friendship is to talk nonsense, and have your nonsense respected " :-D
Making friends seems like a goal far out of sight, taking the initiative to talk to someone new looms like a major sooli in fact. There is too much thought process put into being socially, politically etc correct ! Like she says in this movie "Why do I make everything so complicated?" A friend explained that maybe I have the "foot in the mouth syndrome" !!! Probably she is right, I never thought I would get to where I'm mentally right now in terms of speaking to people in general or at office zones. While I was reading about the syndrome I also found out that I constantly grill myself with - curse of considerate clarification as well ! I'm doomed :-/

There is either a dearth of mad people in general or I have met all the mad ones there could have possibly been in the world and I must therefore remain thankful that I did and not expect to see anymore. Either ways, there is always this hope, keeps me moving forward with some level of optimism and expectation. Aage Bado and You never know(in gees words) basically.

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