Sunday 12 February 2012

Terminal Retirement of Pilichina Raanantaava ! :-P

I got my first mobile phone around five years ago. It was, however, much later after most of my friends had gotten one for themselves. I remember how I would go searching frantically for songs that can be used as ringtones, play them over and over again to see if the first 30 seconds had no lyrics in them etc etc. Finally, I found THE ONE. The song was catchy, had a good music score and it was (or still isn't) not that bad. Of course my continual usage of the same song has made my friends feel like "thinaga thinaga gaarelu cheydhu" and I always wondered why it couldn't have been "thinaga thinaga vepa thiyyaana". Its unfair that the whole world (which for me is my friends) would gang up on it in such a biased manner ! Unacceptable.

Secretly, I have in fact considered changing it several times myself, but like most human behaviors I got habituated to it, so much so that when I changed the ring tone to something else others had to tell me that my phone was ringing :-/. I used to set it as my alarm as well. Initially for a few years it worked and I would wake up in a split second. My smart brain however got habituated to the alarm as well and it successfully woke people around me on time, while I on the other hand I continued with the sleeping bliss.

If anything, I'm scared of sleeping for my own good. There are times when I stayed up all night just so I don't forget to wake up in the morning on time! Of course, a lot of times I have gotten horrible verbal spankings for the same, and when asked about why I got late I always felt like a fool. What can I say, "oh ...I overslept so ..." khel khatham dukaan bandh would have been the consequences (the fact being I did say that a few times and got bashed up like anything :-S ) ! I feel like Joey in one episode where he is trying to come up with a lie about taking a leave or why he was late and Phoebe is teaching him how to lie. Each time he comes up with this racoon's story, its hard not to laugh at it, especially because I feel like I would have done something similarly foolish too!

In any case, this is to say that I have officially bid adieu to my old ringtone guys ! You can now rest in peace. I honestly don't know how I'll rest though, frankly speaking its like "the haunting" song for me. There are times when I have hallucinations of the song ringing in the bus, or while sleeping etc. Hopefully my habituation fails me and I shall start afresh with the new song :-)


SSK said...

I confess: I'm very pleased at the long overdue retirement!

There are times when I have hallucinations of the song ringing in the bus, or while sleeping etc.

Honestly, I heard it so often, I do, too!

Shalini Mahadev said...

:-D GEeeee su ..... you know what ....i was thinking of you a lot while writing the post....i know two ppl who will really be happy ani and amul :-P