Wednesday 8 February 2012

A Bug !

There is something about bugging and me. I constantly keep speculating about why some people are bugged easily, why some aren't and even worse some are indifferent towards it and ignore. I was wondering how powerful a person must be, or how buggersome rather, to be able to bug someone who is generally indifferent towards it. Or probably such a person holds a decent position in the other person's life and therefore gets bugged.  After successfully reaching conclusions that might as well be garbage, an evil yet chillar thought arose in my head. I wanted to have such a power over a person ! Yes, such chillar-good-for-nothing wishes also cross my thoughts :-P. I finally distracted myself by calling a friend, and she spoke about how her better-half is patient by nature but she manages to bug him nevertheless :-) I told her that she is lucky to have such a power. After discussing the theory I was thinking about a minute ago she burst out laughing, unfortunately the conversation got interrupted as her boss hovered around her at that very important discussion waala moment ! But I realized later that I do possess this power, I constantly do that to my father, bug him I mean ! hahahahaha .....funny but true :-D


Santosh Kumar T K said...

I really wish I had known a lot more of you while in college.

You are a riot!

Now one more regular stop in my blog-hopping.

Shalini Mahadev said...

:-D tanks !!