Friday 1 February 2013

My Boss..... :-)

Most times I walk into my boss's office and update him on the minor (also read sometimes major) blunders that I must have committed with respect to my work or other things of the sort. 
His reaction mostly involves a cascade of changes which begins with a startled face, sudden frigid zone stiffness in his normal stature, dilated pupils, undivided attention and a face that reads " mmm..hmm.... I'm listening ... go on .... but I'm scared for you, me and the general future of the lab". 
Yet he manages to keep his countenance and displays an optimistic one. Once the situation is explained the relief on his face is undeniably great!

Today he walks into the lab and says the exact same thing to me, "I did a very stupid thing today".
My reaction on the contrary was a burst of laughter. 
He explained what he had done and we kept in mind that such things should not be done again. 
Yet I kept thinking, I should have given him a piece of his own reaction :-D
But who am I kidding, he would have probably laughed and said "Nothing serious(read could be serious) just a small mistake that I want you guys to know". 
Still, I kept laughing about it. 
Funny man my boss!


Anonymous said...

wow you pulled it off... what like with 13 minutes to go... awesome... :D

Anonymous said...

and me likes this episode... cool...

also, could you remove this "Please prove you're not a robot" thing... while commenting... if you don't mind....

Shalini Mahadev said...


Anyways ... removed off that thing...
and you are adopting dasavatar or something.. ?

Anonymous said...

why dasavatar...??

SS Kuruganti said...

Nice that you have a cool bossman re!

Shalini Mahadev said...

I forgot why I wrote that dasavatar now! :-P

Su - kadha :-D