Monday 5 March 2012

Today was one of those days when I revisited my favorite phrase "many a true word is spoken in a jest".
Sometimes a stark and intentional remark spoken in a jest stings you. For whatever reasons, you begin to think of the same dialogue you shared earlier in the day over and over again. Each time you ponder why did they say that, what did they mean, why? and it finally becomes a a moo point (courtesy, joey from friends). But deep within you know why it was said. I guess its the unwillingness to accept the phrase as it is. Denial of the fact that maybe they indeed meant it. It is plain refusal to attribute a reason as to why you didn't do something about it. Why wasn't something said in return.

I guess we make our choices of what we want to be in split seconds in such times. However, the choice made could be interpreted differently by different people. But what the heck. We are mostly happy with our choices. Even if we aren't, the moment is lost and no more progress can be done on it. Ultimately, that split second does seem important! Take your time and be wise for a split second is all I can say! After all we are not asking for a lifetime in such situations.

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